Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lo excelente, lo raro y lo bello de Bjork

Debe ser interesante vivir con una cabeza como la de bjork. Me imagino que muchas leyes no se aplican a su dia a dia y lo mas probable es que hasta la gravedad se ha dado por vencida. Su creatividad no solamente es excentrica, ojo, que se toma por demas su innovacion que solidificada se transforma en el presendente de mucha otros artistas, pero al parecer tambien tiene su lado infantil y hasta tierno. Este video me hace acuerdo a la pelicula de "La historia sin fin"...Si no me creen,  vean wanderlust.

Censura a manos de Ford(...y reacciones al juego de palabras)

La ultima campana realizada para la linea de gafas de Tom Ford fue censurada por obsena. Lo dejo abierto a discusion: vulgar o...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

An SNL sunday

And to finish a perfect SNL night...Panic at the Disco. I really never paid too much attention to all those new bands that came out about 2 years ago that look, dress and sound the same but there is something about this song, almost Beatle-esque and when a band sings about "nine in the afternoon and your eyes are the size of the moon" they are also smoking it. I might convert to the disco just because of this tune. Enjoy.

This is why Kristen Wiig is absolutely fantastic

Suspense could be too much to bear for some people. Does anyone remember last week surprise party with JE sticking her head through the curtains to see if la cumpleanera was on her way??? I call this homage to Juana Euguenia.

Annuale: Once a year. Period.

For years now, SNL has being the miracle show, nobody knows how but it is still alive. Wonder no more, the good kids came back this season with a new contract and the bad kids are acting it up. This annuale skit is what I would call: "the funniest shit I've seen since dick in a box". No lie there, they used the corny look of all the pharma commercials, kinda of the same dialogue and...hold on to your hats.