Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I want to hear a peep from you

Follow me on twitter: leobyday

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hello Stranger!

It's been a awful while, but, what can I say? I've being busy. Learning some things, playing most of the time. Because that is what I love to do. And to share my love with you, please check out the video for the rich media ad we, at Medialets, made for "True Blood" on the iPhone.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Giving iPad the breath of life (and getting the same in return).

I have worked at Medialets for 2 months now, nonstop, without a minute for my mind to wander. Coming from a background of traditional media, I had to learn to be conceptual; where at Medialets, a company that creates rich media mobile ads, I have to use my knowledge on functionality and information architecture. Creating prototypes for the iPad launch and being able to be part of a process where we're basically writing the rules (and breaking them) on a category that hasn't being explored by many, might just be the highlight of my career. Designing with a purpose never felt so good.
Berg London created an iPad App for Popular Science which is inspired and inspirational.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

I like Kid Cudi, mainly because "Day and Night" is anthem. I think he fancies art, but unlike Kanye doesnt rape it every time. It's more about having fun and it's contagious. Unfortunately the Cudi man, didn't enjoy this version from Megaforce so much and has being pulled from YouTube. It just happens to be one of the best videos I've seen in a long time. Check it here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gaga does it

How can someone so visually arresting compose such boring music? or better yet, how can a song so unmemorable keep me watching? Maybe it has to do with the fact that she is more of an spectacle and knows how to pick their collaborators: Gaga brought Akerlund back for "Telephone" and is nothing short of awesome.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Albert Exenigans

I love finding new inspiration from Art Directors doing what they love. As I do every monday, I came across Exenigans' work while reading The Approval Matrix in NY mag. His a master in typography and I specially enjoyed his poster series for popular tv shows. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 14=Game Day

Somewhere to be on Valentine's day and its not with your love one? Send your heart on an ecard, while  sipping on a beer at a pub watching Manchester U. Because nothing says I love like not saying it at all. In 10 years, I'll come for you Droga5. Blame the Puma Hard Chorus.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A sad situation: joyous and inspirational.

You might not know this about me: I interned at Late Night with Conan in 2006. There were probably 15-20 interns daily, all eager to learn and get a foot in the door, all very nice people.
Our floor, like most studios, was dedicated to Late Night: there was a conference room, that felt like a lunch room for all of us, the interns. One day I stood in the hall waiting for the elevator, about to make a run probably, when O'Brien stood next to me. I was star-struck and smiled, cordially he smiled back, but I could tell it was mostly his demeanor to anyone next to him.
We got in, and he asked without hesitation: you work for us, right? I knotted and smiled, thinking there was no way he would care that I was incharge of covering the essential job of coffee runs, and as the elevator took us to the main floor he extended his hand and said: thanks for all the work you do for us and took off.
I cherish that memory to this day. That's the funny man I knew and the moment he became a real person. It was the least cynical moment I've ever had.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I don't know where I'm going...but I know where I've been...

Advertising can do beautiful things when it's not too busy being a cynical brat. This is one of the best viral/guerrilla campaigns I've seen in a while and I quote a very wise ad peep "if this doesn't make you smile, you're brain dead..."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Diary of an insane man

Terry Richardson has a Tumblr account. Need I say more?

Hello 2010!!

El hijo pródigo de todos los años. You look so good from here.