Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pintando una cancion en el aire

Muestra de que el marketing digital no se limita a la venta/compra de productos o servicios, Labuat, grupo espanol, ha empleado algunos esfuerzos digitales para el lanzamiento de su primer sencillo "Soy tu aire". In partnership with Herraiz Soto & Co., they've created outdoor installations and a microsite that, well, quite literally demonstrates the idea of the song and the delivery was nothing short of sentimental. In the microsite the visitor uses the cursor as a brush to paint on a digital canvas to the song playing in the background. Check out a video for the OOH they created by syncing the Wii to a billboard, to paint en el aire, below.

Labuat - Pintar una canción en el aire from Herraiz Soto on Vimeo.

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