Wednesday, December 30, 2009
There's a rainbow in all of us
I found Mari Kasurinen, an artist that works with "my little pony" as a base for her sculptures, along with pop culture as inspiration. This Little Lady Gaga Pony is genius and I want it for me now! Unfortunately must of her stuff is sold out, but I look forward others like this one!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Some objects may appear faker than they actually are
Tilt-shift photography refers to giving the subject of a photo a miniature look or toy-like appearance. It can be achieve by the use of a lens or through photoshop.
I'm truly inspired by this technique and can't wait to use it on a christmas pic!!!!!
Check some examples:
I'm truly inspired by this technique and can't wait to use it on a christmas pic!!!!!
Check some examples:
Friday, December 11, 2009
Who I am in 2009, I owe it to....(música)
It's almost the end of the year, 2009, and the obligatory lists of the best of the best of the decade have made presence in, virtually every website around. Club Fonograma publicó su lista de los mejores albumes de la década, y a pesar de que no me estoy tan al tanto de todo (como antes del mp3), creo que puedo empezar mi lista basada en mis gustos personales. Natalia Lafourcade por ejemplo, no falla, desde su primer album con la forquetina, sus letras y ritmos me dejaron saber que no iba a ser como cualquier otro album en mi ipod. Azul es una de mis canciones preferidas de su último album y en realidad de toda su carrera. Disfrutenlo.
Music by Coconut Records, Jason Schwartzman's love child. Amazing vocals and lyrics, I've had this song on "repeat" for about 2 days; the video is cool and has Chloe Sevigny skating,like, well! She went up on my list 100,000 points.
Friday, November 27, 2009
It only hurts when I spin the bottle.
This feels like Christmas to me, like all the happy-shiny decoration on a tree. Also when I drink things start to look that way after a while. Take me to that place, a more innocent one. Photography by Joshua Scott from 52 Kilo.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving=Dia de Accion de Gracias
Tanto que agradecer, tan pocas palabras. Talvez si fuera en prosa y en cancion, y con la voz y composicion incomparable de Jorge Drexler. Gracias.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Cheer this
Holidynomite, is right, because my first thought after watching the intro for the new cheer factory website for The Gap, was someone should blow this thing up, hacker style by pressing on the "do us a favor and keep this off the web" button. I mean, I love the holidays as much as my 4 year old cousin loves it, but digi-cheers give me real pukes. I purposely made the mistake of clicking on mo' mistletoe hoping the cheerleaders get raunchy, it only brought projectile vomit. So I guess this website is great for one thing, and it doesn't have anything to do with spreading the holiday spirit. On the other hand, my mom would beg to differ and would find this website HILarious, maybe that alone could bring her to do some shopping at the Gap.
PS: while posting this, I clicked on Your office party hardied and it's painfully hilarious! It's toned down for all office parties, but I bet, even the people at C+P where cracking up when writing this ridiculousness!!
PS: while posting this, I clicked on Your office party hardied and it's painfully hilarious! It's toned down for all office parties, but I bet, even the people at C+P where cracking up when writing this ridiculousness!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Love/Hate the Lady
I believe most people who don't have plain hate lady Gaga probably have mixed feeling about her: she certainly has the charisma to be a game changer, but her music, god, her music is a forgettable as the times she's worn pants. What was her first single again? I dunno, but this latest one has an amazing video and if Kid Cudi jumps in, could have an awesome remix.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Audacity of Precious
In a nutshell is the story of a overweight, illiterate teenager, who is the object of mental, physical and sexual abuse from her mother played by Mo'Nique. This could be your average indie/emo film but what makes this intersting is the level of portrayal offered from our little precious, played by Gabourey Sidibe, to an audience that can overlook her physical appearance and emerge into her humanity and story. I can't wait to see it and you should check out this NYTimes article.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
More than just Pop...
I'd like to think I'm a creative person, therefore I love art, design, film, tv etc...and I must admit, I love to check out fashion magazines. Couture is just as inspirational as a film at the Angelica. Alexander McQueen's collection for Spring 2010, has so many architectural details, I watched these slides in awe. You should probably know, I'm the kind of person who wears flats until the time I have to pop my heels before an interview, but that reason alone just makes them more mysterious.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
ESPN does billboards
...and they feel like the Wii!! Wii Sports that is. These billboards were created by W+K and Monster Media for Monday Night football, and if you are like me and have a boyfriend that prays to the god of quarterbacks everywhere, you probably know this OOH has high expectations, after all the only way to get my boyfriend out of the couch is to put the remote/beer out of hand reach. But I think he'd get down and try to recreate a moment of his favorite game in history, so good try ESPN!!
Check it here:
Check it here:
Friday, September 4, 2009
Dreams do come true.
My former boss (and mentor, really) just became the partner of a gallery in Chelsea. His background is in Fine Arts, always loved galleries and museums, so he decided to invest some time on something worthy of his talent when he got laid off. The good side of unemployment = consciousness. Looking forward to all our dreams coming true!
Check out Horton & Liu.Congrats Frank!
Check out Horton & Liu.Congrats Frank!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mama Lucchetti II
Madre regresa con su segunda ronda de comerciales para Mama Luchetti, al parecer los primeros fueron bien recibidos y decidieron utilizar la misma idea de animacion y el mismo estilo. Me pregunto cuanto podra estrechar esta idea sin que se termine rompiendo, por ahora estan igual de divertidos.
Y estos en los que utilizan footage de la comida:
Y estos en los que utilizan footage de la comida:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
"The Electric Car" of magazines
Well, it had to be made official at one point, now magazines are not merely print, they are TV on paper!! Entertainment weekly will have video ad units, an incredibly expensive feature, that would work as a pop up (think hallmark card with sound, with video).
Well don't we already have mediums that reach an audience doing the same thing and are not as expensive? Yes, some might say TV and Web have already done that, but, what do I know, I'm just a designer who only gets reminded every day how web is going to be the main medium of information in 10 years. Print is dead in 3,2...
Well don't we already have mediums that reach an audience doing the same thing and are not as expensive? Yes, some might say TV and Web have already done that, but, what do I know, I'm just a designer who only gets reminded every day how web is going to be the main medium of information in 10 years. Print is dead in 3,2...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"Rhonda": drawing 2-d no more.
I just found this article for "Rhonda", a 3-D drawing tool created by Amit Pitaru. It's tablet meets papervision, and it looks amazing. Any designer is going to want this faster than now, unfortunaly, they are still in the research stage, and are now working on an application to be released in different platforms, meaning we won't be able to buy it for a couple of years. Hope it happens soon, keeping my fingers crossed!!
UPDATE: If you subscribe in the rhondaforever website, you have access to their first beta version and there are tutorials!! download now and let me know how it works for ya!
UPDATE: If you subscribe in the rhondaforever website, you have access to their first beta version and there are tutorials!! download now and let me know how it works for ya!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Alright, so I happened to meet this week a few people that asked me about music and legends...maybe I'm not old enough to know all the principles of music and their originators, but I know a couple who are doing the best with what we have, flip it, scratch it and own it. Jack White never disappoints and now with the Dead Weather, he's also in really good company, Alisson Mosshart from the Kills rips it and you'll know what I mean in the video for "Treat me like your mother" below.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Lo nwo de shakira, quien debuto su sencillo "she wolf" como primicia en MTV el lunes, creo que desde "Scream" no habia tenido tanta expectativa para un video. Es mas, creo que MTV tampoco, felicitaciones por decidirse a ser lo que querian ser de chiquito, music television you're all grown up.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Loba virtual
Al parecer Shakira Mebarak se trae otro sencillo (y consecuentemente album) entre las manos y se llama "She Wolf" o "Loba". Lo han cubierto en casi todos los programas de farandula, en diversos canales, en ingles y espanol. Y rindiendole homenaje a ese titulo, y su instinto animal, Shakira sin quedar satisfecha, a decidido recurrir a la fuerza del marketing y la creatividad de la publicidad, para recrutar mas aliados.
Algunos videos estan circulando en youtube titulados "loba ataca por primera vez" el cual se da acabo en NY, por segunda vez en en Bruselas, y la tercera es en Espana?!?, me imagino que su meta es obtener cuantos videos de fans sean posibles rindiendose al ataque de la "loba".
Algunos videos estan circulando en youtube titulados "loba ataca por primera vez" el cual se da acabo en NY, por segunda vez en en Bruselas, y la tercera es en Espana?!?, me imagino que su meta es obtener cuantos videos de fans sean posibles rindiendose al ataque de la "loba".
Por desgracia, todavia no hay video oficial para este sencillo, solamente pedazos de la produccion que muy apropiadamente han de haber pasado a los medios para dejarnos queriendo mas.
Si quieren seguir cada uno de los pasos y de informacion que se den alrededor de esta esperada produccion, sigan a shakira en sus pagina de twitter.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Es bonita con los amigos...
Natalia Lafourcade y Los amigos invisibles han tomado la correctisima decision de colaborar musicalmente y el fruto de su creatividad se podra escuchar en el album de Los Amigos "Commercial". Este sencillo se llama "Vivire para ti" y cae como sopa de pollo (arepa pabellon-taco al pastor) para el alma.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Skittles, why are you so good to me?
You are not only little bolitas of joy, you inspire me by bringing me the best of your perversely creative mind. Your kids at TBWA/CHIAT do you good. In every way, they honor you and celebrate the rainbow like it should be done. I envy you, the way a little boy looks up to his senior/football-idol/cheerleader-dating/sat-genius/ivy-school-accepted brother.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The original King.
As a designer and video fanatic, Michael J was THE pioneer of music videos. He KILLED the radio star, who ironically, was probably him at the time. He started the trend of music videos with a plot, with a budget and artiste. I can only celebrate his life by posting one of my favorite videos of his that defined the genre, a decade before it became obsolete, to be replaced exclusively by viral/digital videos. Pop owes him big time. After all, Pop let people like Katy Perry come to life. What an ungrateful bitch you are.
Scream Video
Scream Video
Monday, June 22, 2009
Vidas paralelas, indeed.
More pop than ever, Ximena Sarinana recorded a duet with Jason Mraz (that's right) for his single "Lucky", to an unexpectedly translated "Suerte". Although I don't really crave the dude's beats, Ximenita you never let me down. Mas pop que nunca pero impecable como siempre.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Use me
Kings of Leon, why are you so good to me? Ever since I heard the horrible news on the Fabulosos Cadillac canceling Summerstage, I've heard "Use somebody" at least 20 times. If you are not familiar with their music, you should probably know these bands don't share many similarities; they're not related by musical style, country of origin or mother tongue. However, they have the pleasure of sharing a groupie whom would hear their song (remember me Matador?) over and over again. This is for the hommies/concerts we lost this year.
Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody from Devin Hardy on Vimeo.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Quiero mi MTV
Muy pocas veces he encontrado campanas que me gustan en su totalidad, aveces es a one trick pony y la idea no se puede extender a 3 comerciales o simplemente no son lo suficientemente memorables para ser parte de alguna competencia despues de 12 meses...
Estos comerciales de la Comunidad me recordaron a todo lo raro que MTV me ofrecia pero que entretenia (Vaca Galactica y Chico Migrana son buenos ejemplos), pero estos tratan de ser mas nostalgicos, especialmente cuando tratan de explicar a alguien como la generacion que ya no ve MTV, lo que pasa durante esta etapa de tu vida...tiempos aquellos.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Pintando una cancion en el aire
Muestra de que el marketing digital no se limita a la venta/compra de productos o servicios, Labuat, grupo espanol, ha empleado algunos esfuerzos digitales para el lanzamiento de su primer sencillo "Soy tu aire". In partnership with Herraiz Soto & Co., they've created outdoor installations and a microsite that, well, quite literally demonstrates the idea of the song and the delivery was nothing short of sentimental. In the microsite the visitor uses the cursor as a brush to paint on a digital canvas to the song playing in the background. Check out a video for the OOH they created by syncing the Wii to a billboard, to paint en el aire, below.
Labuat - Pintar una canción en el aire from Herraiz Soto on Vimeo.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Siempre hay alguna Conchita por ahi...
Muestra de que la publicidad Hispana en EEUU no es una traducción literal de lo gringo, Adrenalina NY ha sacado una campaña para Tecate llamada "Por los que quieren más".
El primer comercial que sacaron se llama Papas, disfrutenlo.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Amo NY en el verano

Y damitas y caballeros todo esto se hace por una donacion de $3 en el caso de Brooklyn o por NIENTE en summerstage. Mas barato no hay lindos. Se animan o se animan??
Friday, May 29, 2009
Finally going Gaga...
At first, I thought she was the music industry's reaction to their gold child, that I kiss a girl girl; a clone that would bring much needed business to a fading commerce, so I listened with precaution. Although it didn't take too long to actually find out that she had nothing to do with Perry (lyrics, good music, talent, anyone?) I was not really attracted to her insipid pop taste and less than catchy lyrics.
On the other side, Lady has always tried to be "different", and we can often find her roaming the streets of London pant less, with Geisha makeup and Kentucky derby hats. So, she wanted attention, I can think of more than one celebrity doing unintentional crazy stuff and we reward them with the titles of A listers.
Well Gaga no more. She has talent damn it, and to prove it he enroll the guy that will shut all sceptical peeps like me to ego less shelves. Jonas Fucking Akerlund. The music is still what it was, but sure sounds different, and that for Lady Gaga is a good thing.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Through sickness and in health...

I always loved movies but I started to appreciate cinema the moment I saw Talk to her. Ever since then, Almodovar and I have shared that special bond and although there have being bad times (La mala educacion) and some not so bad (Volver), I am still waiting for the Almodovar that got Oscar recognition with All about my mother.
The thing is, the buzz in Cannes is that Broken Embraces (Los Abrazos Rotos) is far from being his next big thing. Meanwhile, I can only wait to see that for myself.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Experience art that comes from experiences
This is an interesting proposition that TAXI uses to explain art: life imitates art imitating life. And they actually made it simple and inspiring. This is one of those i-wish-I-had-come-up-with-that-idea idea but then again, I'm glad someone else got to do it to appreciate it for what it is, an awesome short.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mexico nos trae algo mas que virus, este mes...
Los que tienen la suerte de vivir en NY, podran ver este fin de semana (si ya no fueron mas suertudos y la vieron la semana pasada en el TFF) la produccion de Carlos Cuaron "Rudo y Cursi" que habre por tiempo limitado en el Museum of the Moving Image. Esperada porque es la primera vez que nos ponen a Garcia Bernal y Luna en una pelicula juntos desde "Y tu mama tambien". A pesar que la anterior me parecio un tanto "overrated" me encanta la quimica de estos dos actores y si termina siendo un primer buen intento para Cuaron, que solo ha dirigido cortos y nunca un filme completo, me parece que va a ser entretenido ver esta historia de dos hermanos mexicanos que suenan por mejores dias.
Y, no lo hacemos todos? Si les quedan dudas miren unos de los trailer que han sacados que estan rechistosos guey.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I believe in good advertising
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Chris Cunningham is back. But, is that a good thing?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Imitating art?
Don't think so. Ximena Sarinana and Natalia Lafourcade are 2 of the most talented singers out there from Latin America, right now. Both have formal musical training, great voices, are awesome lyricists and pride themselves on creating their own style, right? Well, here is the thing: both are relatively young (Lafourcade is 25 and Sarinana is 23) and are still looking for their own musical style. Sarinana has mentioned that one of her biggest influences is Fiona Apple and her latest video "mediocre", took me to a place very close to my heart in 1996...
And here's Fiona:
Fiona Apple ~ Shadowboxer let's move on to Natalia Lafourcade. I was hooked to her self titled album with La forquetina from the moment I heard the opening song, which was an "untitled" Capella. Great, awesome album, if you like pop, ska, electronic and a few other sounds. The latest "Ella es bonita", made me think of some other pop darling from oversees with a similar taste for new sounds, sweet voice and out-there lyrics...but who...?
Ladies you are extremely talented women, the last thing I want to do is to see you become someone I intentionally didn't buy their album to begin with. Now, I understand pressure, specially from music houses, but reinventing is always better than plain taking from someone, or as some people my put it, stealing. Next time I see you pulling a 1996 or 2005 it better be for a tribute album, cause you are not going anywhere.
And here's Fiona:
Fiona Apple ~ Shadowboxer let's move on to Natalia Lafourcade. I was hooked to her self titled album with La forquetina from the moment I heard the opening song, which was an "untitled" Capella. Great, awesome album, if you like pop, ska, electronic and a few other sounds. The latest "Ella es bonita", made me think of some other pop darling from oversees with a similar taste for new sounds, sweet voice and out-there lyrics...but who...?
Ladies you are extremely talented women, the last thing I want to do is to see you become someone I intentionally didn't buy their album to begin with. Now, I understand pressure, specially from music houses, but reinventing is always better than plain taking from someone, or as some people my put it, stealing. Next time I see you pulling a 1996 or 2005 it better be for a tribute album, cause you are not going anywhere.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Pablo Diaz- Reixa, a.k.a. El Guincho, originario de las Islas Canarias odia los intrumentos musicales, pero eso no lo detiene a hacer música. Su sonido electrónico ya ha sido comparado Panda Bear's Person Pitch and Animal Collective's Strawberry Jam en articulos y revistas en el mercado anglosajon, otros mas familiarizados con el sonido de latinoamerica lo han comparado a Manu Chau, para mi, él es mas original que comparasiones. Su produccion Alegranza! salio a la venta en Espana en el 2008 hasta que XL Recordings (los mismos que firmaron a M.I.A, Vampire Weekend, The White Stripes) lo añadieron a su lista para distribuirlo en EEUU Y Europa.
Este video me engancho desde el Palmitos Park, para mas info visiten su pagina en myspace. Y algunas presentaciones en vivo en pitchfork.
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Con la invencion del ipod, sistema gps y demas electronicos, es dificil pensar que hace poco utilizar una computadora tomaba mas el click de un mouse. TODO, y es decir desde la prendida del sistema, se hacia por acuerdo de aquello como si fuera ayer, sentada en la computadora con una pantalla oscura que esperaba instrucciones de que hacer...pero al parecer no todos tuvieron malos recuerdos de esa epoca, o por lo menos la gente de D'Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli BBDO Italia, donde acaban de recrear el sistema en su "nueva" pagina web. La verdad revivir esa experiencia me hizo sentir mayor, menos ignorante y harto mas competente. VIVAMMM Leocita!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Where do you come from?
As I was looking for material to post in the blog, I came across this video in motionographer. I didn't know if it was going to make it, until I heard one of the best lines I have heard in my life " I come from the same place you come from, where do you come from? Your mother". Thing of genius, then again, I might just not be so bright. Check it.
The Lost Tribes of New York City from Carolyn London on Vimeo.
The Lost Tribes of New York City from Carolyn London on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Viva la nostalgia!!
Hay cosas que se celebran porque son inevitables, un buen sentimiento melancólico por ejemplo, y es que acabo de escuchar mi adolecencia y tengo que compartirla en una canción de Fiona Apple. Amo su voz, su piano y todo lo que la envuelve para hacer una melodía, esta vez es un cover de una cancion de Cy Coleman...escuchenla sin ver el no-video, que es un collage de todas sus fotos, para que como yo, se bajen en la intersección de 1995 y la calle emo...
El hada padrino?
Hay comerciales que tienen mérito, no por su nivel de producción, ni casting, sino por hablarle al cliente en su idioma. Este comercial tiene el humor apropiado y suficiente información visual y escrita para entretenerlos por :54. Mensaje recibido.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Un pequeno paréntesis en este día para...
decirles que los Boxers son lo máximo!! and the baby is cute too...Check this out! Demasiado tierno...
Friday, March 27, 2009
That was the girl I used to be...
A little blast from the past, courtesy of the most awesome concert to come to us this summer (the most awesome concert this fall is Fabulosos Cadillacs). I luv, luv, LUV this video, No Doubt and of course, Gwenie Gwen Gwen. This video was crucial in affecting my feelings towards No doubt. I got the album when "Just a girl" was out and couldn't get enough, then came "Spiderwebs", "Excuse Mr" and eventually "Don't speak" and till this day I HATE that song. But they made it all better when they released this video, which is everything No Doubt was as a band. Check it.
Pes does it

Pes is one of those people that are around to make you feel totally lazy. Sure, it inspires me to want to set my my very own stop-animation set in my kitchen but after a couple of frames I realize: what chance do I have to ever do it like him?
I gave up this week, but next week I will tell the story of the little Pes that could and motivation will be back in a sec. Feel free to enjoy "western spaguetti"with me. Maybe mine should be called "northern ceviche" or something like that...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Not enough WTWTA??
Did you notice the song playing throughout the trailer? Yeah, I called Spike a "hipster" too, not that that's a bad thing. Arcade fire rips this movie another well deserving hole, and that's definitely not a bad thing. The song is Wake up and if you don't sing it hymn-like when waiting in line for that 3am screening of the movie in October, you might as well just call the whole thing off right now. And that would be a bad thing.
Where the wild things are...
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii finally a trailer to the vision, or pieces of it, we've been getting for almost 2 years!! If you think I'm on crack, let me put you up to speed, Spike Jonze decided to direct Maurice Sendak's "Where the Wild Things are", which is one of the best selling children's book of all time!! And it looks AWESOME! Dark, artsy and oh-so-good. When did children become cooler than adults? Maybe is just the recession talking; you kids and your incredible timing.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I am sorry
God! there are some things that are so gooood you wish you had thought about them first. Like Portia De Rossi making a funny with this PSA spot for Jimmy Kimmel apologizing for the pain she caused the people who voted favorably to pass proposition 8. Humor will always get the message across and if you don't laugh, is just funny.
You were right, I was wrong...
...Crispin Porter, these hulu commercials rock!! (Well, 2 out of 3 at least), this is the third piece of awesomeness...How did you know I would fall flat for Seth McFarlane, creator of Family Guy? Multiple personality giggles just crack me up, especially when they end in a Giggity Goo. It sure is an evil plot worth losing your brain for, but only the tapioca part.
A turn off, alright
Alanis, what have you being up to? and how come you come back just to remind me why you are not around anymore? I used to like you, damn it. I really don't know what to think of these commercials, second one courtesy of Janeane Garofalo, but they sure left me confused and completely unaware of any message what so ever. Maybe I should watch 'em again and find out? But I really don't want to live that again!! I guess, I'll never know.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The fire and the reason

Anglo-latino music these days has many faces: kinky, plastilina mosh, la rubio and a couple of others. I used to think they were sell outs, to later realize not so much. There are things I get when I hear TFATR sing in spanish, that I wouldn't relate to if they sang in another language in and viceversa, I get it. But this rule doesn't apply to everyone, given that translations are not always a direct version of the original feeling (Yes, I'm looking at you Shakira). So if you can feel and write in 2 languages, or 3 in the case of Bella, the brazilian lead singer of the band, more power to you and to you, the fire and the reason.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
El calor expande...seres humanos al gigantismo
Este comercial por Ponto de Criação, de Brazil me dejo un poco confundida al final, no por el mensaje, que esta claro, pero por la historia que usaron para llegar a ese punto. Realmente no se que pensar de el, es efectivo, porque mantiene al espectador esperando por el final, pero me parece que falla en no tener ninguna conexion mas que el interes por cambiar el medio ambiente. No se si esto funcionaria con alguien, que como el tipo en el comercial, no tenga la menor idea de los efectos del calentamiento global. O si?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Best song of '09 so far...
Yes, there a couple of good contenders (THANK GOD FOR GOOD MUSIC) but I have to say this just might be my favorite. Kid Cudi has the voice, the beats, the moves and the video to back it up, and an aura that announces itself.
This video is kinda like potato chips, you can't have just one, you are most likely going to go back for more...
Day 'n' Nite - Kid Cudi from DP on Vimeo.
This video is kinda like potato chips, you can't have just one, you are most likely going to go back for more...
Day 'n' Nite - Kid Cudi from DP on Vimeo.
Un sentimiento con una etiqueta de 99 centavos...
Este comercial no es cursi, ni barato, pero por desgracia el cachito cinico de mi wacho (corazon en guayaco) me dice que estaria mejor visto siendo auspiciado por Coca Cola, como corto de cine, que poniendole un slogan al final y pretendiendo que en serio les importa algo mas que vender.
Pero despues de ver al abuelo una segunda vez, se me ablando mi dañado corazonsito...que les parece?
Pero despues de ver al abuelo una segunda vez, se me ablando mi dañado corazonsito...que les parece?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Bringing '97, '88 and '81 back..
I can't believe is been 12 years now, since the time I heard Depeche Mode making a "comeback". Remember "is no good"?? well, I do and I'm pretty sure there's people that think that's not even there best stuff, after all they've being around since 1981.
But there's something about them that I don't want to like but can't resist, maybe it has to do with their new wave (more like pop now) sound, but they do it SO GOOD. Check out their latest which I feel is just going to get lost in the vast sea that is the web and probably not reach as many, as our previous designated catalysts forms of media did (yes, I'm looking at you MTV). Too bad, the video is awesome.
PS: Is it Botox or just the sound of new wave that keeps them timeless? Either way I want their secret.
But there's something about them that I don't want to like but can't resist, maybe it has to do with their new wave (more like pop now) sound, but they do it SO GOOD. Check out their latest which I feel is just going to get lost in the vast sea that is the web and probably not reach as many, as our previous designated catalysts forms of media did (yes, I'm looking at you MTV). Too bad, the video is awesome.
PS: Is it Botox or just the sound of new wave that keeps them timeless? Either way I want their secret.
I wonder how you check minutes on this phone...
I'm guessing there are gifts one never forgets, for the creative people at El Cielo, Argentina, is that first cell phone. If you decide to do the upgrade from the less interactive guinea pig, that is.
Check it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
More Music, who knew!!
We are on a roll this week!! I just found the new video for Jamie Foxx and T Pain. Truly, I couldn't tell that Jamie was singing, I thought it was all the product of TPain's computer vocals, but now I get why this single is SO HOT!! Better yet, Jake G is in the video!! The teenager in me dances (kinda crunking by now). Ch-ch-check it.
Jamie Foxx - Blame It (ft. T-Pain) from Vernonmac on Vimeo.
Jamie Foxx - Blame It (ft. T-Pain) from Vernonmac on Vimeo.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Music (if you wanna)
Everyone knows I'm an MTV child: I love videos, learned my directors like capitals and consequently followed most of their work. Unfortunately, it's being a while since I actually cared about any, videos or directors, now that most of the music we follow is compacted as mp3s and directed to our ipods. MIMS though, came out with this new music video that is worthy of my former fixation for the genre. Sounds a bit like the Cool Kids, but taking in consideration the public hardly gets music from the same sources, it could probably be overlooked by many. Music aside, its an awesome effort to bring back art into music. I'll be director hunting for this one. Enjoy.
MIMS - "MOVE (IF U WANNA)" from MC Endeezy on Vimeo.
MIMS - "MOVE (IF U WANNA)" from MC Endeezy on Vimeo.
UPDATE: Directed by Da Visionaryz. Find some of their work on their mySpace page.
Santo de Argentina

Este tiene que ser uno de los comerciales mas diferentes, lokos y divertidos que he visto. En hora buena Santo! Y haciendole un google a la agencia, llegué a una campaña para Arnett, red telefónica de Argentina, que participó en Cannes en el 2007 y que esta...bueno, de pelos!! Chequéatela.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lo nuevo de BBDO Argentina
Querida Argentina:
Tu sentido del humor, irreverente y sarcastico se ha ganado mi cinico y esceptico corazoncito. Cuando te vea, voy a correr, muy despacio, practicamente en camara lenta, para decirte al oido que terminemos esta relacion de idealismo antes de que alguien salga lastimado. He llegado a jurarte como uno de los mejores lugares donde se hace publicidad en el mundo por tu nivel creativo, algo que se lo repito a todo el que lo quiera escuchar. Desafortunadamente nada es para siempre, despues de todo, no se puede ser tan perfecto, o si?
About that infamous Sunday...
Okay, so maybe, I didn't post the best and worst right away, but you have to understand it was an AWESOME game! and the commercials were...well, okay. Expect for a few new executions (some needed 3d glasses) there weren't so many ideas that shook me to the core. I did like the careerbuilder and commercials though, which most likely touched the soft spot of our financially challenged beings.
The ones I hated, and really there was only one I felt in my guts, was the McGruber sellout to Pepsi, currently known as Pepsuber. So blatant and awfully addy it almost made me swear off advertising. It was obvious that Pepsi decided to pay SNL the rights to convert this, semi-decent sketch, into something intolerable to me.
I still have mixed feelings about the Alec Baldwin for Hulu commercial, yes he is an awesome actor, smart and funny, the idea was great and totally ownable's Crispin Porter. Aghhhhh! I may have to give it to them, this one is pretty genius, but unless you keep doing work like this, to me you will always be the most overrated, (self-proclaimed) small agency, Crispin. I have my eye on you.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Es Super Bowl!!
Usually, I don't get excited by any of the main events in sports (except for the World Cup) but the Super Bowl is growing in me like saturated fats. Specially, when working in advertising, one gets to learn that the following Monday, water cooler/lunchroom/vending machine conversations with random people might address, well, commercials during the Superbowl, and at an advertising agency they will expect you to know. Ever since my you-didn't-watch-the-Super bowl encounter in college, I have being cautious and prepared. But if you are like me, and there isn't a buffalo wing you've met you didn't like, by the time you pull your head from shoving those in your mouth, everyone is laughing about something you've missed.
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Fear no more. I'll start my Superbowl countdown to the best and worst, so eat at ease this Sunday.
This however is about the one ad, you are NOT going to see. It's banned and from Peta, about how vegetarians "do it better". Steamy like a Victoria Secret's ad but at least in those they have a reason to be exploitative, if at least for the secret.
Let me know what you think.
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Feliz Ano Nuevo!!
Muy pocas veces me inspira el comienzo de un nuevo año a pensar en cambio tanto como este...nuevo presidente, nueva idea de democracia y liderazgo que espero se refleje muy pronto en la enconomia; y en lo personal tampoco estoy tan mal (nada se cuenta hasta que se cumple me han enseñado). Asi que empezemos este ano con positivismo y les deseo la mejor de la suerte en este nuevo principio.
I was recently introduced to PepperMelon by a co-worker and I loved what they are doing. Best example of which are these Mama Lucetti ads. They are fun, memorable and reach everyone in the family. Enjoy.
I was recently introduced to PepperMelon by a co-worker and I loved what they are doing. Best example of which are these Mama Lucetti ads. They are fun, memorable and reach everyone in the family. Enjoy.

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